Novel Quantized Interband Index [Nov. 2017 – Aug. 2024]

UPDATE [08/10/2024]: Pleased to announce that the second application of the interband index is now published!
UPDATE [08/15/2023]: Happy to say the first application of the interband index is now published as an Editors’ Suggestion Letter!
UPDATE [02/29/2020]: “LOL” – COVID-19
UPDATE [02/23/2020]: I will talk about this work at the American Physical Society’s Annual March Meeting 2020!

I cannot say much about this project because it is ongoing and will comprise part of my preliminary PhD work with Dr. Ting Cao. I started working on this problem under the guidance of Dr. Congjun Wu for my Honors thesis at UC San Diego. I discovered some pretty exciting stuff, and will hopefully tie all strings together soon. The process of working through this problem convinced me that I wanted to start my PhD by exploring condensed matter physics.

Just to give you some idea of what this project is about, here is what I wrote about it in my CV:

Understanding the physical significance of a novel quantized inter-level
character that was published as the quantum mechanical analogy of the
Gauss-Bonnet theorem with boundary, primarily in the context of the
2D Haldane model.

I have extended the work beyond the Haldane model. Here are some general keywords:

condensed matter theory; topological insulators; Berry phase effects; differential geometry; various model systems;

I will update this page once I have published something on this!


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